Friday, October 22, 2010

Colorado Childrens' Book Award Nominees and Internet Safety Sources

Hi Everyone!  As we enter into November, I wanted to make you aware of a few resources we have in the library!

CCBA Books
Need a GREAT Read Aloud? This year's CCBA nominees offer some great stories that can lead to great writing ideas, word choice, and organization for the Riverdale writers in your rooms!!!  We have a couple copies each of the 10 picture books and the 10 junior novels that are nominated for this years voting in February.  (I am hoping to do voting in an online format this year!)  Since I am not meeting with your classes in a fixed schedule, we have created 4 tubs of picture books that can be checked out to read aloud in your classroom.

When checking these out, please follow these guidelines:
* We will check out each book in the set of 5 to you.
* You do not have to read all 5 books, however, please return all 5 books when you are finished with all of them--do not break up the sets.
* Please plan to read the selections in about a week's time.  I want to have enough time for all of the books to be circulated throughout the building before voting time.  If we check them out for the full 2 week period, there will not be enough time for all to have access to them.

The chapter books will be in the library to check out.  We will give preference to teachers checking out these titles but will still check them out to students as well.  (We have a REALLY great one for 4th this year!  It relates to Colorado history!) 

I will e-mail an attachment (couldn't figure out how in this blog...sorry) introducing this year's picks (along with some great lesson ideas)!  If you want me to talk to the kids about the titles as an introduction, I'd be happy to do so!  Stop by and schedule a time.  :)  In order to vote, students need to have read or heard at least 3 titles.  If you have any questions, please let Bonnie or I know.  Happy reading to all!!!

Internet Safety Sources!
We have recently purchased some really great non-fiction books for teaching internet safety!  Here is a link to the titles.  Under "Resource Lists" in the center, choose the internet safety books.  You can see the covers and even click on them for more information!  Come and see us if you'd like to check them out!

One More Thing...
The Power Libraries in Adams 12 were recognized at the School Board Meeting on October 20th!  Bonnie and I were quite proud to be among the 25 libraries in the district who are at the developing or high performing levels.  We LOVE our jobs--and working with staff members like you have a large piece in that.  Thanks foe letting us have a part in impacting your students' education and achievement!  Yea for Power Libraries...and YEA that the School Board regognizes the importance of a staffed library in each building!